Food & Farming Blog

Alex Oates Alex Oates

Time to wave goodbye to Olive Oil? - littleseed Oil

We’re always looking for the best options when shopping and there’s always a decision to make when browsing the supermarket shelves for oil – one of them being should I opt for the usual olive oil or give rapeseed oil a try?

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Jo Satariano Jo Satariano

Good things crumb to those who bake

Biscuits are a favourite here at littleseed and so it was no surprise to us to find out that this deliciously sweet and compact snack has a whole day set aside in its honour. National Biscuit Day, which is celebrated on May 29th annually, is a day to appreciate the humble biscuit and all its various types and flavours.

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Jo Satariano Jo Satariano

Baking with rapeseed oil

Traditionally nearly all cake recipes called for butter but now people are actively searching out cake recipes using rapeseed oil. How do we know? Because it’s one of the most popular searches on oue website.

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