Food & Farming Blog
Time to wave goodbye to Olive Oil? - littleseed Oil
We’re always looking for the best options when shopping and there’s always a decision to make when browsing the supermarket shelves for oil – one of them being should I opt for the usual olive oil or give rapeseed oil a try?
Good things crumb to those who bake
Biscuits are a favourite here at littleseed and so it was no surprise to us to find out that this deliciously sweet and compact snack has a whole day set aside in its honour. National Biscuit Day, which is celebrated on May 29th annually, is a day to appreciate the humble biscuit and all its various types and flavours.
Can you Use Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil To Bake Cakes?
Absolutely! Rapeseed oil makes delicious moist cakes with extremely consistent texture, so is ideal for baking with.
Sandwich Emergency - What To Do When You've Run Out Of Bread
We’ve all been there. You go to make a sandwich, reach for the bread bag and it’s empty. Devastating!
But we have a solution for those sad breadless moments… homemade flatbreads.
What Does Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil Taste Like?
Having such a mild flavour is one of the reasons why cold pressed rapeseed oil is so versatile. It can be used cold for for dipping and drizzling as a dressing. Check out our super easy salad dressing recipe made using littleseed cold pressed rapeseed oil.
Five Very Good Reasons To Switch To Rapeseed OIl
Check out our top 5 reasons to make the switch to rapeseed oil.
One Pastry Recipe - Three Easy Christmas Treats
In our opinion, the easiest pastry recipe on the planet using our cold pressed rapeseed oil plus three super simple recipes that will transform your Christmas party buffet.
Baking with rapeseed oil
Traditionally nearly all cake recipes called for butter but now people are actively searching out cake recipes using rapeseed oil. How do we know? Because it’s one of the most popular searches on oue website.
An intuitive approach to nutrition - Guest blog with NutriCoachMumma (Pt 2)
Intuitive eating involves learning to listen to our body’s biological hunger needs whilst honouring health, by eating the range of foods needed to consume a nutritionally balanced diet.