How to Just Enjoy January

The start of a new year is often seen as a fresh start a time for big goals, epic changes, and ambitious resolutions. But what if, instead of diving headfirst into the pressure of self-improvement, we simply allowed ourselves to just enjoy January?

Rather than stressing over unattainable goals, give some space to indulge in the things we love, that bring us joy.

Here’s why January, the first month of the year, might just be the perfect time to set the tone for feeling joy all year round.

Embrace the New Year at Your Own Pace

At the beginning of every year there's this collective buzz — and the notion that we’re all meant to transform overnight. We’re bombarded with images of people hitting the gym, people partaking in dry January and Veganuary, quitting bad habits and becoming their very "best selves." This can create a feeling that if you’re not completely transforming your life in the first 31 days of the year, you’re somehow falling short.

The truth is you don’t have to set resolutions of change in January. By all means set intentions, but don’t set yourself up for failure. Instead of overloading your plate with grand plans, why not ease into the year and embrace the things that make you feel good.

So with that in mind here’s our guide to Just Enjoying January…

Cook well, eat well and enjoy

So many new years resolutions are based around food and drink. Eating less, cutting out certain foods, not drinking alcohol. But why not make January about enjoying your favourite foods, cooking with great ingredients and trying new recipes.

Eating well doesn’t mean you have to eat only lettuce leaves for an entire month, there’s a lot of joy to be gained from embracing the different colours and flavours of a wide variety of ingredients.

If you’re looking for some colourful and delicious recipes to try out this January the Littleseed website is a great place to explore, here are a few of our favourites.

Be sociable (if it suits you!)

After the frivolity of the festive season there is often a consensus that January is for staying in and saving money rather than socialising. But how about making an effort in January to nurture our relationships with the people we love.

Hanging out with friends and family doesn’t have to cost money, here’s a few ways to feel the joy of friendship in January

  • Get out for a walk together in the fresh air

  • Invite friends round to eat when you try a new recipe from the Littleseed website (hint, hint!)

  • Start a book club, invite friends to all read the same book and then meet in person or via video call if you aren’t geographically close, talk about the book and just let the conversation flow

Make time for the things that bring you joy

Making time for hobbies is often easier said than done, but January is a great time to rekindle our love for particular pastimes.

  • Reading or listening to audio books

  • Get creative, draw, paint, sculpt, sew

  • Get green fingered, whether it’s a long overdue repotting of house plants, sowing a few early seeds to go in your the veg patch or simply making a plan for what you would like to grow during the year

  • Dust off your trainers and download the couch 5k app

  • Re-join a sports club or team you used to belong to

Those are just a few ideas, but what we’re really saying is you don’t have to start a whole new hobby from scratch just because it’s January. Instead, try to make time for something that you KNOW will make you feel good.

In Conclusion

January doesn’t have to be about setting yourself up for a gruelling marathon of self-improvement; it can be about making space for the things that bring you joy.

So, as the new year begins, try this: don’t rush into the pressures of achieving big resolutions but focus on enjoying and nurturing the good stuff that’s already there.



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