Food & Farming Blog
What Does Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil Taste Like?
Having such a mild flavour is one of the reasons why cold pressed rapeseed oil is so versatile. It can be used cold for for dipping and drizzling as a dressing. Check out our super easy salad dressing recipe made using littleseed cold pressed rapeseed oil.
What's the best oil to use for roasting vegetables?
Here at littleseed we love packing our roasting tin full with veggies (and whatever else is in the fridge) drizzling on some of our cold pressed rapeseed oil and popping it in the oven to do its magic.
Five Very Good Reasons To Switch To Rapeseed OIl
Check out our top 5 reasons to make the switch to rapeseed oil.
Our top tips for making perfect roast potatoes
Want to learn how to cook perfect roast potatoes everytime. In opinion the only oil for roasting is rapeseed oil.
Check out our tips and hacks for making the crispiest, fluffiest, golden roast potatoes.
Hiding the Good Stuff From The Kids
As parents we always want to do the very best for our kids and make sure they consume a varied and healthy diet, but when your kids go on veg strike, just getting 5 portions of the good stuff in can seem like a struggle. So what can we do as parents?
An intuitive approach to nutrition - Guest blog with NutriCoachMumma (Pt 2)
Intuitive eating involves learning to listen to our body’s biological hunger needs whilst honouring health, by eating the range of foods needed to consume a nutritionally balanced diet.
Busting cooking oil myths - Guest blog with NutriCoachMumma (Pt 1)
Which cooking oil is best for our and our family’s health, which is the best quality, which is the best value? We have enlisted the help of an expert to bust some of the myths around cooking oils.
Simple, sustainable, seasonal
Food miles are also of great importance to us – the environmental impact of shipping produce into the UK is huge. That’s why opting for our homegrown rapeseed oil over Mediterranean olive oil helps us tick the box of sustainability.