Food & Farming Blog
Farming, flea beetle and the future
The littleseed farm have grown oil seed rape on our farm for around 20 years and each year we come up against different challenges that can affect the yield of our harvest - flea beetle is just one of those.
Pumpkin perfection
At littleseed we have a lot of love for pumpkins! In October the supermarkets and shops get filled with them in the run up to Halloween but they are good for so much more than carving.
We always knew we had great taste
Out of 12,777 products sent in from 106 different countries, Littleseed Extra virgin Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil was awarded a 2-star Great Taste award, which means the Great Taste judges dubbed it above and beyond delicious.
Empowering adults and children to live healthier lives
Many people are cooking with olive oils which burn at a far lower temperature than rapeseed oil. This can be unhealthy and impairs the taste of the food. Here at littleseed a huge part of our “Rapeseed Revolution campaign” is to help shoppers understand the different characteristics of different cooking oils.
Littleseedlings on the farm
Using the great outdoors as a classroom is a fantastic way to inspire young people by mixing fun with learning, a trip to a farm can be an incredibly exciting and motivating experience for children.
Simple, sustainable, seasonal
Food miles are also of great importance to us – the environmental impact of shipping produce into the UK is huge. That’s why opting for our homegrown rapeseed oil over Mediterranean olive oil helps us tick the box of sustainability.
Crushing on kale
Always hailed as a superfood, we’re fully on board with Kale because this leafy veggie is so nutrient-dense. With B vitamins that are needed for energy and forming healthy blood cells, it’s also packed with Vitamins C and E which are important antioxidants needed to support the immune system.
The journey from yellow fields to the kitchen
Oil presses are simply like large screws which cold press the rapeseed by gently squeezing the oil from the seed. This gentle process retains the majority of the minerals, vitamins, enzymes and trace elements that make littleseed British rapeseed oil the healthier choice for you.
The glamorous world of silage!
Silage is predominantly made from grass crop, but legumes, forage maize, other cereals, kale and fodder beet are also used. Grass is the cheapest source of food for livestock, and is the best way to offer the energy, protein, vitamins and minerals they require
Let's talk about weeds
Let’s talk about weeds! Over the last couple of weeks at littleseed HQ we’ve been doing some essential work out in the rapeseed fields and the main challenge has been combating the Black Grass.