BBQ Chicken Wings in Sticky Stir Fry Sauce
This marinade takes just minutes to make but is better left marinating your chicken wings as long as possibnle. Sweet and sticky, it’s perfect on the BBQ.
Serves 4
500g chicken wings
2 tbsp runny honey
Zest and juice of one lemon
1 tbsp paprika
1 tbsp cayenne pepper
200ml ketchup
Pre-heat the oven to 180C / Gas Mark 4.
Add all marinade ingredients to a bowl and mix well.
Pour the marinade over the chicken wings, pop in the fridge and leave to marinade for at least for an hour (overnight is best).
Lay the wings out on an oven tray and roast in the oven for 20mins.
Finish cooking the wings on the BBQ for around 10 mins, turning halfway through, to give a lovely charred smoky taste.
Prep Time
5 minutes + at least 1 hour to marinate
Cooking time
30 minutes
Recipe Notes
This recipe is delicious finished on the BBQ but if it’s not bbq weather you can still make this recipe and just cook the chicken wings in the oven for 40 minutes. This recipe is also suitable for cooking in an airfryer.
How to make BBQ chicken wings in a sticky stir fry sauce. A recipe using littleseed spicy stir fry oil.