Food & Farming Blog

Alex Oates Alex Oates

Time to wave goodbye to Olive Oil? - littleseed Oil

We’re always looking for the best options when shopping and there’s always a decision to make when browsing the supermarket shelves for oil – one of them being should I opt for the usual olive oil or give rapeseed oil a try?

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Jo Satariano Jo Satariano

Baking with rapeseed oil

Traditionally nearly all cake recipes called for butter but now people are actively searching out cake recipes using rapeseed oil. How do we know? Because it’s one of the most popular searches on oue website.

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Guest User Guest User

Jubilee Recipe Inspiration

Whether you’re planning a street party or just having a cuppa and a sweet treat, the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee is sure to give you a lovely little jolly feeling, check out our delicious recipes to help carry on the festivities.

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Guest User Guest User

Using every little bit...

From start to finish our littleseed Extra Virgin Rapeseed Oil is a zero-waste product. We believe when growing and creating our products, every part of the process should be carefully considered to make the most of them.

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Guest User Guest User

The little things

Here at littleseed, we are all about the little things in the everyday life that make a big difference to the world. It may not seem it, but little things really can add up to make a big impact.

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Jo Satariano Jo Satariano

Hiding the Good Stuff From The Kids

As parents we always want to do the very best for our kids and make sure they consume a varied and healthy diet, but when your kids go on veg strike, just getting 5 portions of the good stuff in can seem like a struggle. So what can we do as parents?

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Jo Satariano Jo Satariano

Three recipes with roasted veg

A tray of roasted veg is a great way to cut down on food waste and both our Extra Virgin British rapeseed oil and our Garlic & Herb rapeseed oil are both great for combining with a selection of chopped veggies for roasting.

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Jo Satariano Jo Satariano

Introducing Littleseed Garlic & Herb Oil

We love the idea of people experimenting and get creative in the kitchen with our oils and Littleseed Garlic and Herb oil opens up the possibilities for so many new recipes.

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Jo Satariano Jo Satariano


Sprouts seem to divide the nation, with some loving them and others saying they are a Christmas tradition they would happily ditch – but what makes sprouts so unpopular? Is it just down to overcooking?

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Jo Satariano Jo Satariano

Farming, flea beetle and the future

The littleseed farm have grown oil seed rape on our farm for around 20 years and each year we come up against different challenges that can affect the yield of our harvest - flea beetle is just one of those.

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Jennie Palmer Jennie Palmer

The journey from yellow fields to the kitchen

Oil presses are simply like large screws which cold press the rapeseed by gently squeezing the oil from the seed. This gentle process retains the majority of the minerals, vitamins, enzymes and trace elements that make littleseed British rapeseed oil the healthier choice for you.

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Alex Oates Alex Oates

Bee Wise!

All of us know by now that bees are essential to us humans; they pollinate our fruit and veg crops, they ensure we have food on our table and honey on our toast. In fact, they work tirelessly to make our lives better.

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Alex Oates Alex Oates

The glamorous world of silage!

Silage is predominantly made from grass crop, but legumes, forage maize, other cereals, kale and fodder beet are also used. Grass is the cheapest source of food for livestock, and is the best way to offer the energy, protein, vitamins and minerals they require

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Alex Oates Alex Oates

Let's talk about weeds

Let’s talk about weeds! Over the last couple of weeks at littleseed HQ we’ve been doing some essential work out in the rapeseed fields and the main challenge has been combating the Black Grass.

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