Food & Farming Blog
What Does Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil Taste Like?
Having such a mild flavour is one of the reasons why cold pressed rapeseed oil is so versatile. It can be used cold for for dipping and drizzling as a dressing. Check out our super easy salad dressing recipe made using littleseed cold pressed rapeseed oil.
What's the best oil to use for roasting vegetables?
Here at littleseed we love packing our roasting tin full with veggies (and whatever else is in the fridge) drizzling on some of our cold pressed rapeseed oil and popping it in the oven to do its magic.
Baking with rapeseed oil
Traditionally nearly all cake recipes called for butter but now people are actively searching out cake recipes using rapeseed oil. How do we know? Because it’s one of the most popular searches on oue website.
Jubilee Recipe Inspiration
Whether you’re planning a street party or just having a cuppa and a sweet treat, the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee is sure to give you a lovely little jolly feeling, check out our delicious recipes to help carry on the festivities.
Working towards a sustainable future
Here at littleseed we believe the little things make a big impact! We wanted to share with you some of the things we do to make a difference and how you can make a difference too.
Hiding the Good Stuff From The Kids
As parents we always want to do the very best for our kids and make sure they consume a varied and healthy diet, but when your kids go on veg strike, just getting 5 portions of the good stuff in can seem like a struggle. So what can we do as parents?
Guest Blog - Raphaella Rookes from Latch to Ladle
A key nutrient that babies need during weaning and beyond is omega 3 which is one of the Essential Fatty Acids. They are called essential because your body can’t make them. Omega 3 is a really important nutrient because it can help with both brain and vision development.
Spring is in the air!
Lambing is one of the busiest times on the farm. Long hours and sleepless nights are aplenty, and the farm team are on standby day and night.
An intuitive approach to nutrition - Guest blog with NutriCoachMumma (Pt 2)
Intuitive eating involves learning to listen to our body’s biological hunger needs whilst honouring health, by eating the range of foods needed to consume a nutritionally balanced diet.
Busting cooking oil myths - Guest blog with NutriCoachMumma (Pt 1)
Which cooking oil is best for our and our family’s health, which is the best quality, which is the best value? We have enlisted the help of an expert to bust some of the myths around cooking oils.
Three recipes with roasted veg
A tray of roasted veg is a great way to cut down on food waste and both our Extra Virgin British rapeseed oil and our Garlic & Herb rapeseed oil are both great for combining with a selection of chopped veggies for roasting.
Introducing Littleseed Garlic & Herb Oil
We love the idea of people experimenting and get creative in the kitchen with our oils and Littleseed Garlic and Herb oil opens up the possibilities for so many new recipes.
Waste less, enjoy more
At littleseed we’re passionate all year round about cutting down on food waste and helping everyone to get the most out of the food they buy. Here are a few of our favourite ways to use up those leftovers and cut down on food waste this Christmas.
Sprouts seem to divide the nation, with some loving them and others saying they are a Christmas tradition they would happily ditch – but what makes sprouts so unpopular? Is it just down to overcooking?
Pumpkin perfection
At littleseed we have a lot of love for pumpkins! In October the supermarkets and shops get filled with them in the run up to Halloween but they are good for so much more than carving.
We always knew we had great taste
Out of 12,777 products sent in from 106 different countries, Littleseed Extra virgin Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil was awarded a 2-star Great Taste award, which means the Great Taste judges dubbed it above and beyond delicious.
Empowering adults and children to live healthier lives
Many people are cooking with olive oils which burn at a far lower temperature than rapeseed oil. This can be unhealthy and impairs the taste of the food. Here at littleseed a huge part of our “Rapeseed Revolution campaign” is to help shoppers understand the different characteristics of different cooking oils.
Simple, sustainable, seasonal
Food miles are also of great importance to us – the environmental impact of shipping produce into the UK is huge. That’s why opting for our homegrown rapeseed oil over Mediterranean olive oil helps us tick the box of sustainability.
Crushing on kale
Always hailed as a superfood, we’re fully on board with Kale because this leafy veggie is so nutrient-dense. With B vitamins that are needed for energy and forming healthy blood cells, it’s also packed with Vitamins C and E which are important antioxidants needed to support the immune system.